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Halloween TV Episodes (Part I)

Last year on Halloween, I found myself home alone with nothing to do, and Hocus Pocus not on TV (really, I should own a copy of that movie). While casting about for something entertaining to do, I decided to see if some of my favorite television shows had Halloween episodes (watching Christmas episodes of TV shows is something I’ve done for several years, but that’s a story for another time). Unsurprisingly, lots of shows have holiday episodes! Wikipedia even has lists:




I went through and picked a few episodes that were available on Netflix, and the kittens and I settled onto the couch to watch. It was a lot of fun! However, some of the “Halloween episodes” didn’t have a whole lot to do with Halloween, or it was a very minor aspect of the episode. So, being the organizational weirdo that I am, I made a list of all the Halloween episodes from all the shows I like, and decided to go through them and choose a list of favorites. It’s a long list, so I won’t be getting through them all any time soon.

I’m hoping to watch a few episodes every day for the next week, and I’ll throw some thoughts on the episodes up here. Unfortunately, my selections will mostly be limited to what’s available on Netflix or what I own, which is too bad because there are a lot of great shows I don’t have access to right now.

30 Rock Season 4 Episode 3: Stone Mountain

IMDB rating: 7.9/10  AV Club: C

Liz and Jack head to Stone Mountain, GA (Kenneth’s hometown) to find a new “middle America” star for their show, Jenna tries to be nice to the writers so that they’ll keep writing good parts for her when the new star arrives, the writers try to get invited to a Halloween party thrown by Jenna’s gay friends, and Tracy worries that he’ll be the third “rule of threes” celebrity death.

My verdict: Entertaining episode, but not very Halloween-y, and definitely didn’t put me in the Halloween mood. Mostly made me think it might be time for a 30 Rock rewatch sometime soon.

Bob’s Burgers Season 3 Episode 2: Full Bars

IMDB rating: 8.2/10  AV Club: B+

The Belcher children, after having bad luck trick-or-treating in their neighborhood, decide to go to wealthy King’s Head island for better candy. Bob and Linda go to Teddy’s Halloween party, where a tragedy befalls Teddy’s pet guinea pig, Francis.

My verdict: Scratches the Halloween itch for sure, but I don’t love the episode. As much as I enjoy the kid’s plot, the whole thing with Teddy’s pet makes me sad.

Bob’s Burgers Season 4 Episode 2: Fort Night

IMCB rating: 8.2/10  AV Club: A

The kids plus Darryl, Andy, and Ollie get trapped in the Belcher kids’ fort while on their way to go trick-or-treating. Millie, a creepy girl who is obsessed with Louise, is super creepy. The parents work on the kids’ costume.

My verdict: This is great – thoroughly Halloween-centric, great character interactions, seriously creepy element thanks to Millie, and no dead pets. This one will probably go on my yearly watch list.

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