
notion (noun): an impulse or desire, especially one of a whimsical kind
noodle (noun:) a strip, ring, or tube of pasta or a similar dough, typically made with egg and usually eaten with a sauce or in a soup

I’m a 30-something girl trying to figure out this whole life thing. I live with my wonderful husband and two adorable cats, and I am happiest when I am creating – cooking or crafting or playing music. Occasionally I attempt to draw or write, but those are fairly rare activities.

I love finding and making new recipes, but I also love trying to perfect old favorites. I’m not so great with creating my own recipes, but I like to fiddle with ones I find to better suit our tastes.

My main craft is crocheting, although I’m trying to teach myself how to knit, and I enjoy cross-stitching. I’d love to learn how to sew. I’d also like to learn to paint.

I see this being a place where I share my favorite recipes, and any random thoughts that wander through my brain.