
Obligatory first post!

Welcome to my brand new blog. I decided to try the blogging thing again . . . I’ve been generally unsuccessful at this over the years, but it’s been about 5 years since I last tried so I figured it was time for another attempt.

I’m still trying to figure out exactly what this will be. Definitely recipes (hence the “Noodles”), but I’m not looking for it to be only a cooking blog. I was looking for a place to store all of my favorite recipes, and what better place than my own website?

As for “Notions,” I’m still working on what that will encompass. I have several thoughts . . . I want this to be a place to work on my writing, since doing something seems to be the best way to get better at the thing. I might share crafts I’m working on. Or books I’m reading, TV shows I’m watching, movies I’ve seen. Maybe articles I find interesting? I guess at some point the question becomes when is there too much content for one blog, and should it break into multiple sites? For now I’m going to keep it all under one roof, since I have no sense of how this will go. I’ll try to make liberal use of categories/tags, or whatever WordPress uses (I’ve been a Blogspot girl up until now, but thought it was time to try something new).

Anyway, I’m currently in a transitional mode while I try to figure out what to do with my life, so I figured I’ll start writing and we’ll figure out what this blog wants to be, too.

Here we go!